New addition to the Jacobs family

Rockford, IL (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

New addition to the Jacobs family

by Rebecca Jacobs

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $6,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $370.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$370.00 raised of $6,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Rockford, IL (US)

Rebecca Jacobs is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name Is Rebecca and my husband Nevan  have been married 6 years and we have an amazing 6 year old named Colton .In 2018 we decided to try for another baby and realized something was wrong and we were having trouble conceiving. In March 2019 we started fertility treatments after 3 failed rounds of IUI and another round of IFV we got pregnant with our miracle angel Rylan James Ray Jacobs, my pregnancy was going ok with lots of doctors appointments he was very healthy. I was doing OK in June of 2020 I was in alot of pain and after a visit to the er we found out I had gallstones and they wanted to remove my gallbladder but we had to wait till I had Rylan so the Dr put me on bed rest and helped me with foods to stay away from on July 21st I went for a non stress test and the baby was doing great on July 23rd I went for another non stress test and due to covid my husband nevan couldn’t be there after about 5 or 10 mins the nurse couldn’t find Rylans heart beat and so we went in to do an ultrasound and they couldn’t find his heart beat it was the hardest day of my life we had lost our little boy at 34 weeks and 5 days, after this we were broken but started to rebuild our lives. In November of 2021 we decided to try another round of ivf and see what would happen they were able to retrieve 2 eggs the first one didn’t tak and we have one left that is frozen and are ready to try again. After the previous treatments and medical bills we are at a stand still due to how expensive it is and are hoping our friends and family will be able to help make our dreams become a reality whether it’s through prayer or a donation

  • 09-27-2022


    So ready in a week we start shots 2 to 3 times a day I'm just waiting my meds should be ready tomorrow it's getting so close please keep praying for me nevan and colton

Name Donation Date
Ashling and Tom Kraft $100.00 August 28, 2022
Lornadee Stuart $100.00 August 23, 2022
Lornadee Stuart $100.00 August 23, 2022
Abi Wilson $50.00 August 23, 2022
Loretta Holte $10.00 August 08, 2022
Tabitha Vinger $10.00 August 08, 2022
Ashling and Tom Kraft commented with a $100 donation about 3 years ago
We know how tough, trying, and costly the IVF process can be. Praying for your family! ❤️
Loretta Holte commented with a $10 donation about 3 years ago
Praying for you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️
Tabitha Vinger commented with a $10 donation about 3 years ago
I wish you all the best of luck ❤️